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‘Offering assistance to those who are open to exploring the possibilities of enhancing their wellbeing with the help of ThetaHealing’
ThetaHealing ™ Products
ThetaHealing by Vianna Stibal
Discover how to tap into the brain's Theta Waves to enable deep emotional and physical healing in this revised and updated edition of the definitive guide to ThetaHealing.
Within the pages of this fascinating book, you will discover:
How you can instantly change any negative thinking within you that creates illness
The Seven Planes of Existence, a concept that allows you to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All That Is
How to develop the ability to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
All the information found in this book is for educational purposes only! None of the information is intended for diagnoses, prescriptions or to replace medical advice or treatment.
This book is included in the Basic DNA Course
Price: $42.00 NZD (plus postage)
New Zealand only:
$8.00 or
$13.50 RURAL delivery
Payment can be made through Internet Banking - please email me your address before transferring funds into this account:
03 0854 0580512 00 (use your name as a reference)
Click here to order
Advanced ThetaHealing by Vianna Stibal
The Advanced ThetaHealing® book gives the reader an in-depth guide to Feeling, Belief, and Digging Work. There are also additional insights into the Planes of Existence and the Beliefs for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual evolution. This manuscript focuses on the experience from thousands of Belief Work sessions. May this knowledge be a gift for all those brave souls out there who dare to believe.
Advanced ThetaHealing® does not include the beginning specific step-by-step processes that proliferate in the book ThetaHealing®. It is necessary to reach an understanding of these processes as they are explained in ThetaHealing.
All the information found in this book is for educational purposes only! None of the information is intended for diagnoses, prescriptions or to replace medical advice or treatment.
This book is included in the Advanced DNA Course
Price: $42.00 NZD (plus postage)
New Zealand only:
$8.00 or
$13.50 RURAL delivery
Payment can be made through Internet Banking - please email me your address before transferring funds into this account:
03 0854 0580512 00 (use your name as a reference)
Click here to order
All prices on this page are New Zealand dollars